Felix Gold

Felix Gold Ltd (ASX: FXG) is an ASX-listed gold and antimony explorer with three key brownfield projects in Alaska’s world-class and highly endowed Tintina Gold Province.

The company is on the cusp of value creation on two fronts – aiming for near-term antimony concentrate production and commercialising its gold resource next to an ore-hungry mill.

Key landholding in a world-class province

  • Strategic 392 km2 tenure in +16 Moz Fairbanks District adjacent to Fort Knox Mine and within 20 km of Fairbanks City mining and services hub.
  • Antimony opportunity:
    • The historic Scrafford Antimony Mine, once one of Alaska’s largest antimony producers, with production grades up to 58% Sb.
    • Recent antimony assays found high grades of Sb.
    • Opportunity for near-term production to supply the US government after China banned exports.
  • Gold opportunity:
    • The high-grade Grant Mine and shallow NW Array with a combined 831Koz gold resource.
    • Both are located nearby Fort Knox Mine’s mill whose owner Kinross is looking for new ore to keep operating.

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Achievements to date

The Felix tenements were assembled with both critical mineral and gold opportunities in mind.

Felix has been working on the antimony opportunity since before its IPO, with a focus on the high-grade Scrafford Antimony Mine. 2024 stellar assays included 15.2m @ 5.5% Sb from 21.3m, including 6.1m @ 13% Sb. As China has banned exports to the US and the price skyrocketed over 300% in 2024, Felix is now working on near-term production and expects significant newsflow over the coming months.

The gold opportunity has always been centered around Felix’ two key projects sitting nearby the Kinross-owned Fort Knox Mill which is running out of feed. Felix has been expanding its gold resource at Grant and NW Array to 831Koz and is working on expanding this further, with Fort Knox being one commercialisation pathway.

Driving value recognition in 2025

Antimony – working towards near-term production:

  • Key complete engineering design and baseline environmental surveys.
  • Begin community consultation and permitting processes.
  • Confirm metallurgical testwork, as well as capital and operating cost estimates.
  • Starting procurement and construction, before launching production.
  • Completing trenching survey to confirm higher grade zones that are near surface.

Gold – expanding and commercialising 831Koz resource

  • Continued resource expansion activities at Grant Mine that build on the Inferred JORC mineral resource of 364koz @ 1.95g/t Au, including an underground resource of 136koz @ 6.2g/t Au, that stems from a historical drilling database of 400 holes across 30,000m.
  • Continued exploration and development investigations for NW Array, following the recently released 467koz maiden resource in the NW Array Southern Zone.

Exploration newsflow pipeline

To stay up to date on Felix Gold’s corporate activity and announcements or to receive alerts on any company events, please register to our investor mailing list.

Our Team


Ronnie Beevor

Non-Executive Chairman

Joseph Webb

Executive Director

Mark Strizek

Non-Executive Director

Andy Browne

Non-Executive Director

Craig McPherson

Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer

Rebecca Gower

Exploration Manager

Register for an upcoming investor briefing with Felix Gold’s Executive Director Joseph Webb to discuss the company’s competitive position and future goals.