Our Gold Assets

Fairbanks Gold District

Felix has executed one of the largest mining claim consolidations in Fairbanks and its projects span a strike length of 60 km along the main gold trend.

Project areas are located adjacent to significant gold deposits including the Fort Knox Mine, Golden Summit, True North historic mine and Gil mine. Felix’s projects have existing resources, known mineralisation and large-scale gold in soil anomalies.

Gold mineralisation is of the Intrusive Related Gold (IRG) style and a suite of Cretaceous aged (88-94 Ma) intrusions is widely regarded as the magmatic/hydrothermal source for metals. Deposits are typically associated with quartz lodes, stockworks and sheeted veins hosted by either Proterozoic to Paleozoic metamorphic units or the unmetamorphosed Cretaceous intrusions.

Liberty Bell Gold Project

The Liberty Bell Gold Project is located in the Bonniville gold district, 115km southwest of Fairbanks, directly adjacent to the road and rail infrastructure that connects Fairbanks with Anchorage to the south.

Geologically the area is dominated by Devonian age meta-igneous and meta-sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks of Cretaceous and Tertiary age, and an unconformable cover sequence of Tertiary sedimentary rocks and gravels.

Known gold mineralsiation is associated with veins, skarns and large-scale faults and is considered analagous to other Tintina Province Intrusive Related Gold occurrences.

Intrusive Related Gold Deposits

Tintina intrusive related gold (IRG) deposits are geologically renowned for their multi-million ounce gold scale and Tier 1 asset potential.

Felix Mineral Resources

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